DPS Giving back:

At Durham Pallet, the quality of life for the people who live in the communities we serve is very important to us. We are always looking for fun and meaningful ways to share our “everyone has eyes, has a soul” message with the community.

So, keeping true to our focus we hold internal raffles with our staff and donate the proceeds to a person or organisation we feel could benefit the most from it

Here are some examples of our 2018/2019 charitable contributions

Charles H Best - Whitby

The Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre is here to make living with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) a little easier to manage. Founded in 1989 as a “first of its kind” centre in Canada; our founder, Marlene Grass RN received the prestigious Fredrick G. Banting Award in 1990. 

The Rose of Durham - Whitby Ont.

The Rose Of Durham within a holistic framework of exceptional services will support young parents and their children in establishing a strong foundation that will enable the family to reach its full potential

St Vincent’s Kitchen - Oshawa

Founded in 1990, Durham Outlook operates the only 365-days-a-year soup kitchen, serving the most vulnerable members of Durham Region. 

John Howard Society - Durham Region

The John Howard Society of Durham Region (JHS) is a non-profit, social service agency in Ontario Canada. We are dedicated to serving men and women, individuals and families, youth and adults with programs in areas such as counselling, employment, literacy, housing, parenting, addictions, and more.  Most of our services are free.

February 2 at 12:49 PM ·
DPS monthly raffle draw results below:

Tyler Thomas is the winner of this beautiful TV - congrats Tyler!!

We raised 150.00 from ticket sales and DPS will match the proceed amount with another 150.00 for a total of $300.00

Special thanks to Norma for donating a little extra and thanks to Steve Parsons for coming up with this idea and picking up the TV for raffling!

We will be dropping off the proceeds (and big cheque) to St. Vincent’s Kitchen in Oshawa next week so stay tuned for more pics and updates

Please share and make sure you follow us on all our social media!

#raffle #dailyraffle #trend #raisingmoney #tickets #cheque #tv #winner #durhampallet #dps #cool #likeforlike #charity #givingback #feelsgood #donate


July raffle: Another successful Raffle

The agency is called: New Life Neighbourhood Centre.

Established in 2001, the New Life Neighbourhood Centre is a not-for-profit community service agency. Operating as a registered food bank now serving over 3,000 people each year in Oshawa and surrounding areas.

The Centre is dedicated to following Christ’s example by helping individuals and families in our community obtain food and acquire basic skills to provide a pathway out of dependency.


New Life Neighbourhood Centre

John Howard Society/United Way

The John Howard Society of Durham Region (JHS) is a non-profit, social service agency in Ontario Canada. They are dedicated to serving men and women, individuals and families, youth and adults with programs in areas such as counselling, employment, literacy, housing, parenting, addictions, and more.  Most of their services are free.

We donated $300.00 to this organization in the form of Visa Gift Cards.